Sunday, 21 February 2010

The Second Stand!

Gosh! This blogging malarky is harder than I thought! I have so many ideas running through my poor, addled brain, but getting them onto the web? That takes a certain skill I believe. Trying to keep you enthralled, entertained, perplexed??

I am at the other end of an extremely hard week, half term no less, holidays being my busiest times in terms of my chosen(?) career. It did seem like a good idea at the time, being able to care for my own as well as other people's children, and make a few readies in the process.

My subject for today? Hope it doesn't come across as a rant, but please feel a little bit of respect for child minders! There does still seem to be an old fashioned notion that we plonk innocent little beings on the couch with a packet of Walker's and a sugary Blue bottle of pop. Oh, if only! (not that for one minute I suggest you do that at home kiddies! Just think of the hyperactivity for starters, and, if you indeed want to keep your house intact!) The childminder's life is bogged down with paperwork, observations and planning, being regulated (Dear, DEAR Ofsted, how we love you!) and training, training and MORE training.

I am certainly not complaining about the regulation, nor the training. If you are a parent, you'd feel far happier that your child is left in safe, capable hands, But some feel the need to barter you down, down, DOWN financially.

I will let you into a little secret, I charge £4 an hour do all of the above, plus deal with first aid should it arise, feed these children healthy meals, be a nurse, educator, health and safety expert and implement it, risk assess every day, but still some feel I am too expensive!

No real moral to this tale, just a big Thank You to whomever will read this, if you are thinking of getting a child minded on a regular basis, please ponder the above ramblings of this particular individual.

Still not very silly yet is it?

1 comment:

  1. Darling,
    Thank you for your blog. You are not rambling and it is not a rant.
    I have no children, so I have spent little time on what child minders do. As a rule there is more to it then meets the eye..... and You made clear that this is also the case here.

    I think that your "clients" should thank there lucky stars that they found you to look after there children

    Hans// Dutchguy22
